NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Official Libraries
  • Authentication
  • Customers
  • Quotes
  • Invoices
  • Transactions
  • Events
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Zero BS CRM API v2.0. The API is currently in Beta and we would love your feedback on it. Use the API to talk to Zero BS CRM from another application.

    The following table shows the API version present in each major version of Zero BS CRM

    API Version ZBS Version WP Version Documentation
    v2 2.70+ 4.0+ -
    v1 2.00+ 4.0+ v1 Docs

    We are one of the only WordPress CRM's out there that offer a full API with detailed documentation. Tweet to us and say hi @zerobscrm


    To be able to run the Zero BS CRM API you'll need the following on your WordPress install


    The Zero BS CRM API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
    401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
    403 Forbidden -- The resourcerequested is hidden for administrators only.
    404 Not Found -- The specified record could not be found.
    405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a record with an invalid method.
    406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
    410 Gone -- The record requested has been removed from your database
    418 I'm a teapot.
    429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many records! Slow down!
    500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- You are temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.


    The Zero BS CRM API needs certain parameters to be able to return results. These are

    Additionally, some endpoints also accept


    Ownership / Assignment

    Zero BS CRM has an ownership and assignment model. This means that you can restrict results to be only for a certain owner (i.e. assigned to a certain CRM team member). To do this you pass either the "assign", "owned" or "owner" (see endpoints for more information)

    Libraries and Tools

    Official Libraries

    To make your development with Zero BS CRM and the API easier. The following libraries are available


    The API keys are passed via GET parameters to the request URLs e.g.:


    Zero BS CRM uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can learn how to generate your API keys by reading How to Generate API Keys

    The API keys give both Read and Write access to your install of Zero BS CRM.


    Create Customer

    To Create a new Customer in your Zero BS CRM using the API you need to send a JSON post request to the URL. This will create or update a customer. The unique key is their email address. On Sucess the response will return the details of the new Customer added.

    HTTP Request

    POST /create_customer

    Get Parameters

    $data = array(
        'status' => 'Lead',    
        'prefix' => 'Mr',
        'fname'  => 'John',                     
        'lname'  => 'Doe',                  
        'suffix' => 'MSc',                  
        'email'  => '',        
        'hometel' => '1234 567 89',     
        'worktel' => '1234 567 89',  
        'mobtel'   => '1234 567 89',
        'addr1'    => 'Sample House', 
        'addr2'    => 'Sample Road', 
        'city'     => 'Sample City' 
        'county'   => 'Sample State', 
        'postcode' => 'P0ST C0D3', 
        'country'  => 'UK', 
        'secaddr_addr1'    => 'Sample House 2', 
        'secaddr_addr2'    => 'Sample Road 2',
        'secaddr_city'     => 'Sample City 2',
        'secaddr_county'   => 'Sample State 2', 
        'secaddr_postcode' => 'P1ST C1D3',
        'secaddr_country'  => 'USA', 
        'custom-field' => 'bacon'
        'assign' => '1'

    JSON response example:

      "fname": "John",
      "lname": "Doe",
      "email": "",
      "status": "Lead",
      "prefix": "Mr",
      "addr1": "1 Sample Road",
      "addr2": "Sample Town",
      "city": "Sampleton",
      "county": "Samples",
      "postcode": "SAM PL4",
      "hometel": "123 455",
      "worktel": "",
      "mobtel" : "555 135",
      "notes" : "Added from the API",
      "ID" : 135

    View Customers

    Returns a list of customers. The meta information returned is the fields for the Customer (same as in create customer). If you have custom fields these are labelled slug (key): (value) in the meta element of the JSON response. Visit the URL in a browser window to inspect the response.

    HTTP Request

    POST /customers

    Get Parameters

    $data = array(
        'perpage' => '20',    
        'page' => '1',
        'search' => 'string',
        'transactions' => 1,
        'invoices' => 1,
        'quotes' => 1,
        'owned' => '1'

    JSON response example:

         "created":"2017-04-25 03:33:38",
         "name":"John Doe",
                 "cf1":"Custom Field 1",

    Search Customers

    Searches the customers based on the query string $_GET['zbs_query']. Use this to Deep Search the meta values for the customers.

    HTTP Request

    GET /customer_search

    Get Parameters

    JSON response example:

         "created":"2017-04-25 03:33:38",
         "name":"John Doe",
                 "cf1":"Custom Field 1",

    Delete Customer

    Coming soon.


    Quotes are what you use in Zero BS CRM to win work. The API for Quotes is in early development.

    Create Quote

    Coming soon.

    View Quotes

    Retreives a list of the last 20 Quotes generated by the CRM owner. This is useful if you want to display recent quotes.

    HTTP Request

    GET /quotes

    Get Parameters

    JSON response example:

        "created":"2017-04-14 16:42:50",
        "meta":{"name":"New Website",

    Get Quote

    Coming soon.

    Delete Quote

    Coming soon.


    Create Invoice

    Coming soon.

    View Invoices

    Retreives a list of the last 20 Invoices generated by the CRM owner. This is useful if you want to display recent invoices.

    HTTP Request

    GET /invoices

    Get Parameters

    JSON response example:

        "created":"2017-04-14 16:42:50",
        "meta":{"name":"New Website",

    Get Invoice

    Coming Soon.

    Delete Invoice

    Coming Soon.


    Create Transaction

    Creates a transaction and assigns the transaction to a Customer if the customer exists (identified by email). Creates a new customer if the email does not exist. POST data must be sent as a JSON post.

    HTTP Request

    POST /create_transaction

    Get Parameters

    $data = array(
        'orderid' => 'uniqueid',    
        'email' => 'customers email',    
        'status' => 'completed, etc',
        'total' => 'total of the transaction',
        'item_title' => 'Transaction Title',
        'net'  => 'net value',
        'fee' => 'fee for transaction',
        'discount' => 'value of discount',
        'tax' => 'value of tax',   

    JSON response example:

      "orderid": "John",
      "email": "Doe",
      "fname": "John",
      "status": "Completed",
      "total": "79.99",
      "item_title": "Your Item Name",
      "net": "59.99",
      "tax": "0.00"
      "fee": "10.00",
      "discount": "10.00",
      "tax_rate": "0"

    View Transactions

    Retreives a list of the last 20 Transactions generated by the CRM owner. This is useful if you want to display recent transactions.

    HTTP Request

    GET /transactions

    Get Parameters

    JSON response example:

         "created":"2017-04-27 16:51:55",
                "item_title":"My Awesome Order",

    Get Transaction

    Coming Soon.

    Delete Transaction

    Coming Soon.


    Create Event

    Creates an event (task) in the CRM. POST data must be sent as a JSON post.

    HTTP Request

    POST /create_event

    Get Parameters

    $data = array(
                    'title' => event title
                    'customer' => ID of the customer the event is for (if any)
                    'notes' => customer notes string
                    'to' => to date, format date('m/d/Y H') . ":00:00";
                    'from' => from date, format date('m/d/Y H') . ":00:00";
                    'notify' => 0 or 24 (never or 24 hours before)
                    'complete' => 0 or 1 (boolean),
                    'owner' => who owns the event (-1 for no one)
                    'event_id' => 

    JSON response example:

          "title" : "My Event From the API",
          "customer" : 44149,
          "notes" : "Here are some notes for the event",
          "from" : "2018-02-01 03:30",
          "to" : "2018-02-01 04:30",
          "notify" : 24,
          "owner" : 1

    View Events

    Retreives a list of the last 20 Events generated by the CRM owner. This is useful if you want to display recent events.

    HTTP Request

    GET /events

    Get Parameters

    JSON response example:

        "id": 44155,
        "created": "2018-02-11 04:37:02",
        "title": "My Event From the API",
        "meta": {
          "title": "My Event From the API",
          "customer": "44149",
          "notes": "Here are some notes for the event",
          "to": "2018-02-11 21:00",
          "from": "2018-02-11 20:00",
          "notify": "1",
          "complete": "-1",
          "owner": "1",
          "event_id": 44155
        "actions": {
          "notify": "1",
          "complete": "-1"
        "customer": false
        "id": 38143,
        "created": "2018-01-19 02:11:15",
        "title": "Demo with Wendy",
        "meta": {
          "from": "2018-01-06 02:00:00",
          "to": "2018-01-06 02:15:00",
          "notes": "",
          "customer": 37792
        "actions": {
          "notify": -1,
          "complete": -1
        "customer": false
        "id": 38137,
        "created": "2018-01-19 02:09:00",
        "title": "Demo with Mark",
        "meta": {
          "from": "2018-01-20 13:00:00",
          "to": "2018-01-20 13:15:00",
          "notes": "Demo with mark for Mail Campaigns",
          "customer": 3085
        "actions": {
          "notify": -1,
          "complete": -1
        "customer": false

    Get Event

    Coming Soon.

    Delete Event

    Coming Soon.
