Avatar is a composable that displays a user's avatar.
The user's profile information
The size of the avatar
Composable modifier
Options to customize the avatar query
While this is true, we'll force the refresh of the avatar in every recomposition. When false, we'll use the default URL for that profile (without cache buster) to fetch the avatar.
Avatar is a composable that displays a user's avatar.
The size of the avatar
Composable modifier
Options to customize the avatar query
While this is true, we'll force the refresh of the avatar in every recomposition
Avatar is a composable that displays a user's avatar.
The state of the avatar, when loaded it should contain the Avatar URL
The size of the avatar
Composable modifier
Atomic Avatar composable that displays a user's avatar that is generated from the user's email address. A skeleton overlay will be shown while loading the image.
The user's email address
The size of the avatar
Composable modifier
Options to customize the avatar query
Random string value to force a cache bust