
class AvatarUrl

Gravatar avatar URL.

canonicalUrl Canonical URL of the avatar hash Gravatar hash avatarQueryOptions Avatar query options


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constructor(hash: Hash, avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null)

Create an avatar URL from a Gravatar hash.

constructor(email: Email, avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null)

Create an avatar URL from an email address.

constructor(url: URL, avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null)

Create an avatar URL from an existing Gravatar URL.


Link copied to clipboard
object Companion


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val hash: Hash


Link copied to clipboard

Check if the URL is a Gravatar URL.

Link copied to clipboard
fun url(cacheBuster: String? = null): URL

Get the URL for the avatar.