Package-level declarations

This package contains the main classes of the Gravatar SDK.


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data class AvatarQueryOptions(val preferredSize: Int? = null, val defaultAvatarOption: DefaultAvatarOption? = null, val rating: ImageRating? = null, val forceDefaultAvatar: Boolean? = null)

Data class that represents the query options for an avatar.

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class AvatarUrl

Gravatar avatar URL.

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sealed class DefaultAvatarOption

The default avatar image to use when the user does not have a Gravatar image.

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Gravatar allows users to self-rate their images so that they can indicate if an image is appropriate for a certain audience. By default, only ‘General’ rated images are displayed unless you indicate that you would like to see higher ratings.

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class ProfileUrl(val hash: Hash)

Represents a Gravatar profile URL.