Package-level declarations


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sealed class ComponentState<out T>

ComponentState represents the state of a user profile loading. It can be in a Loading state or a Loaded state.


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@Preview(uiMode = 16)
@Preview(uiMode = 32)
fun DisplayNamePreview()
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fun LargeProfile(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

LargeProfile is a composable that displays a user's profile card. Given a UserProfile, it displays a LargeProfile using the other atomic components provided within the SDK.

fun LargeProfile(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

LargeProfile is a composable that displays a user's profile card. Given a UserProfileState, it displays a LargeProfile or the skeleton if it's in a loading state.

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@Preview(uiMode = 16)
@Preview(uiMode = 32)
fun LargeProfileLoadingPreview()
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fun LargeProfileSummary(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

LargeProfileSummary is a composable that displays a user's profile in a resumed way. Given a Profile, it displays a LargeProfileSummary using the other atomic components provided within the SDK.

fun LargeProfileSummary(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

LargeProfileSummary is a composable that displays a user's profile in a resumed way. Given a UserProfileState, it displays a LargeProfileSummary or the skeleton if it's in a loading state.

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fun Profile(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Profile is a composable that displays a user's profile card. Given a Profile, iit displays a profile UI component using the other atomic components provided within the SDK.

fun Profile(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Profile is a composable that displays a user's profile card. Given a UserProfileState, it displays a profile UI component or the skeleton if it's in a loading state.

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fun ProfileSummary(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

ProfileSummary is a composable that displays a mini profile card. Given a Profile, it displays a profile summary card using the other atomic components provided within the SDK.

fun ProfileSummary(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

ProfileSummary is a composable that displays a mini profile card. Given a UserProfileState, it displays a profile summary card using the other atomic components.