Package-level declarations

This package contains the models used in the Gravatar API.


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data class CryptoWalletAddress(val label: String, val address: String)

A crypto currency wallet address the user accepts.

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data class GalleryImage(val url: URI)

A gallery image a user has uploaded.

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data class Link(val label: String, val url: URI)

A link the user has added to their profile.

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data class Profile(val hash: String, val displayName: String, val profileUrl: URI, val avatarUrl: URI, val avatarAltText: String, val location: String, val description: String, val jobTitle: String, val company: String, val verifiedAccounts: List<VerifiedAccount>, val pronunciation: String, val pronouns: String, val links: List<Link>? = null, val payments: ProfilePayments? = null, val contactInfo: ProfileContactInfo? = null, val gallery: List<GalleryImage>? = null, val numberVerifiedAccounts: Int? = null, val lastProfileEdit: Instant? = null, val registrationDate: Instant? = null)

A user's profile information.

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data class ProfileContactInfo(val homePhone: String? = null, val workPhone: String? = null, val cellPhone: String? = null, val email: String? = null, val contactForm: URI? = null, val calendar: URI? = null)

The user's contact information. This is only available if the user has chosen to make it public. This is only provided in authenticated API requests.

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data class ProfilePayments(val links: List<Link>, val cryptoWallets: List<CryptoWalletAddress>)

The user's public payment information. This is only provided in authenticated API requests.

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data class VerifiedAccount(val serviceType: String, val serviceLabel: String, val serviceIcon: URI, val url: URI)

A verified account on a user's profile.