Package-level declarations


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fun Profile.avatarUrl(avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null): AvatarUrl

Get the avatar URL for a user profile.

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fun defaultProfile(hash: String, displayName: String = "", profileUrl: URI = ProfileUrl(Hash(hash)).url.toURI(), avatarUrl: URI = AvatarUrl(Hash(hash)).url().toURI(), avatarAltText: String = "", location: String = "", description: String = "", jobTitle: String = "", company: String = "", verifiedAccounts: List<VerifiedAccount> = emptyList(), pronunciation: String = "", pronouns: String = "", links: List<Link>? = null, payments: ProfilePayments? = null, contactInfo: ProfileContactInfo? = null, gallery: List<GalleryImage>? = null, numberVerifiedAccounts: Int? = null, lastProfileEdit: String? = null, registrationDate: String? = null): Profile

Instantiates an empty profile with the given hash by default. You can also provide other values to override the default empty values.

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Get formatted user info for a user profile.

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Get the hash for a user profile.

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Get the profile URL for a user profile.