Package-level declarations
SocialMedia is a data class that represents a social media account that Gravatar users can add to their profiles.
AboutMe is a composable that displays a user's about me description.
Avatar is a composable that displays a user's avatar.
DisplayName is a composable that displays the user's display name.
DisplayName is a composable that displays the user's display name or a loading skeleton.
Location is a composable that displays a user's location in text format. The user's location is displayed in a text format. If the location is too long, it will be truncated
Location is a composable that displays a user's location in text format or a loading skeleton. The user's location is displayed in a text format. If the location is too long, it will be truncated
SocialIcon is a composable that displays a clickable icon for a social media account. The link will navigate to the Gravatar user's profile on the social media platform.
SocialIconRow is a composable that displays a row of clickable SocialIcon.
UserInfo is a composable that displays a user's information in a formatted way. The user's information includes their company, job title, pronunciation, pronouns, and current location when available.
ViewProfileButton is a composable that displays a button to view a user's profile.
ViewProfileButton is a composable that displays a button to view a user's profile or it's loading state.