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LocalIcon is a predefined list of social media icons that can be used in the SocialIcon composable.

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class SocialMedia(val url: URL, val name: String, val iconUrl: URL? = null, val icon: LocalIcon? = null)

SocialMedia is a data class that represents a social media account that Gravatar users can add to their profiles.


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fun AboutMe(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium, content: @Composable (String, Modifier) -> Unit = { userInfo, contentModifier -> AboutMeDefaultContent(userInfo, textStyle, contentModifier) })
fun AboutMe(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, skeletonModifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium, content: @Composable (String, Modifier) -> Unit = { userInfo, contentModifier -> AboutMeDefaultContent(userInfo, textStyle, contentModifier) })

AboutMe is a composable that displays a user's about me description.

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fun Avatar(state: ComponentState<String>, size: Dp, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
fun Avatar(profile: Profile, size: Dp, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null, forceRefresh: Boolean = false)
fun Avatar(state: ComponentState<Profile>, size: Dp, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null, forceRefresh: Boolean = false)

Avatar is a composable that displays a user's avatar.

fun Avatar(email: Email, size: Dp, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, avatarQueryOptions: AvatarQueryOptions? = null, cacheBuster: String? = null)

Atomic Avatar composable that displays a user's avatar that is generated from the user's email address. A skeleton overlay will be shown while loading the image.

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fun DisplayName(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.headlineSmall.copy(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold))

DisplayName is a composable that displays the user's display name.

fun DisplayName(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, skeletonModifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.headlineSmall.copy(fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold))

DisplayName is a composable that displays the user's display name or a loading skeleton.

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fun Location(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline), content: @Composable (String, Modifier) -> Unit = { location, contentModifier -> LocationDefaultContent(location, textStyle, contentModifier) })

Location is a composable that displays a user's location in text format. The user's location is displayed in a text format. If the location is too long, it will be truncated

fun Location(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, skeletonModifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline), content: @Composable (String, Modifier) -> Unit = { location, contentModifier -> LocationDefaultContent(location, textStyle, contentModifier) })

Location is a composable that displays a user's location in text format or a loading skeleton. The user's location is displayed in a text format. If the location is too long, it will be truncated

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fun SocialIcon(media: SocialMedia, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

SocialIcon is a composable that displays a clickable icon for a social media account. The link will navigate to the Gravatar user's profile on the social media platform.

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fun SocialIconRow(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, maxIcons: Int = 4)
fun SocialIconRow(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, maxIcons: Int = 4)
fun SocialIconRow(socialMedia: List<SocialMedia>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, maxIcons: Int = 4)

SocialIconRow is a composable that displays a row of clickable SocialIcon.

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fun UserInfo(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline), content: @Composable (String, Modifier) -> Unit = { userInfo, contentModifier -> UserInfoDefaultContent(userInfo, textStyle, contentModifier) })
fun UserInfo(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, skeletonModifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.outline), content: @Composable (String, Modifier) -> Unit = { userInfo, contentModifier -> UserInfoDefaultContent(userInfo, textStyle, contentModifier) })

UserInfo is a composable that displays a user's information in a formatted way. The user's information includes their company, job title, pronunciation, pronouns, and current location when available.

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fun ViewProfileButton(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.titleSmall.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground), inlineContent: @Composable (String) -> Unit? = { DefaultInlineContent(textStyle.color) })
fun ViewProfileButton(profile: Profile, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.titleSmall.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground), buttonText: String = defaultViewProfileButtonText(), inlineContent: @Composable (String) -> Unit? = { DefaultInlineContent(textStyle.color) })

ViewProfileButton is a composable that displays a button to view a user's profile.

fun ViewProfileButton(state: ComponentState<Profile>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, textStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.titleSmall.copy(color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground), inlineContent: @Composable (String) -> Unit? = { DefaultInlineContent(textStyle.color) })

ViewProfileButton is a composable that displays a button to view a user's profile or it's loading state.