
Mongo documentation

Find a document and update it in one atomic operation, requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.


  1. query (String|ObjectId|Object)

  2. update (Object): Update operations to be performed on the document. As written in MongoDB docs, you need to specify an atomic operator here (like a $set, $unset, or $rename).

  3. [options] (Object|String|Array): If the options is a string, it will be parsed as the fields to select.

options.returnOriginal is default to false, while mongodb set it to true for undefined.

if options.replaceOne is true, it will work like findOneAndReplace.

  1. [callback] (function)


A promise.


users.findOneAndUpdate({name: 'foo'}, { $set: { name: 'bar'} }).then((updatedDoc) => {})

Note that you can also use the monk-middleware-wrap-non-dollar-update middleware, which will automatically put the $set operator on the update argument:


users.findOneAndUpdate({name: 'foo'}, { name: 'bar'}).then((updatedDoc) => {})

results matching ""

    No results matching ""