Source: includes/course-theme/class-sensei-course-theme-option.php

 * File containing Sensei_Course_Theme_Option class.
 * @package sensei-lms
 * @since   3.13.4

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
	exit; // Exit if accessed directly.

 * Handle using the Course Theme for a given course.
 * @since 3.13.4
class Sensei_Course_Theme_Option {
	 * Course post meta for theme preference.
	const THEME_POST_META_NAME = '_course_theme';

	 * Default theme setting value.
	const WORDPRESS_THEME = 'wordpress-theme';

	 * Course theme setting value.
	const SENSEI_THEME = 'sensei-theme';

	 * Instance of class.
	 * @var self
	private static $instance;

	 * Sensei_Course_Theme_Option constructor. Prevents other instances from being created outside of `self::instance()`.
	private function __construct() {

	 * Fetches an instance of the class.
	 * @return self
	public static function instance() {
		if ( ! self::$instance ) {
			self::$instance = new self();

		return self::$instance;

	 * Initializes the Course Theme.
	public function init() {

		add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'register_post_meta' ] );
		add_action( 'template_redirect', [ $this, 'ensure_learning_mode_url_prefix' ] );
		add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', [ $this, 'show_admin_bar_only_for_editors' ] );

	 * Ensure the learning mode prefix is removed if the theme is not overridden.
	 * @access private
	public function ensure_learning_mode_url_prefix() {

		$is_theme_overridden   = Sensei_Course_Theme::instance()::THEME_NAME === get_stylesheet();
		$should_override_theme = self::should_use_learning_mode() && self::should_override_theme();

		// Remove the prefix only if the theme should not be overridden.
		if ( is_admin() || ! $is_theme_overridden || $should_override_theme ) {

		$url    = get_pagenum_link( 1, false );
		$prefix = Sensei_Course_Theme::instance()->get_theme_redirect_url( '' );
		$url    = str_replace( $prefix, trailingslashit( home_url() ), $url );

		if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ) {
			$url = esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $url . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) );

		wp_safe_redirect( $url );

		 * Need to exit, otherwise unwanted hooks might run.
		 * See:

	 * Check if it should use Learning Mode template.
	 * @deprecated 4.0.2 Use Sensei_Course_Theme_Option::should_use_learning_mode
	 * @return boolean
	public function should_use_sensei_theme() {
		_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.0.2', 'Sensei_Course_Theme_Option::should_use_learning_mode' );
		return self::should_use_learning_mode();

	 * Check if it should use Learning Mode template.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function should_use_learning_mode() {

		$is_course_content = is_singular( [ 'lesson', 'quiz' ] ) || is_tax( 'module' );

		if ( ! $is_course_content && ! is_admin() ) {
			return false;

		$course_id = \Sensei_Utils::get_current_course();

		if ( empty( $course_id ) ) {
			return false;

		$course_id = absint( $course_id );

		return self::has_learning_mode_enabled( $course_id ) || Sensei_Course_Theme::is_preview_mode( $course_id );

	 * Check if it should override the theme for Learning Mode with the course theme.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function should_override_theme() {
		 * Filters if the theme should be overriden for learning mode.
		 * @deprecated 4.7.0
		 * @since 4.0.2
		 * @hook  sensei_course_learning_mode_theme_override_enabled
		 * @param {bool} $enabled True if the learning mode theme override is enabled.
		 * @return {bool} The modified learning mode theme override setting.
		return (bool) apply_filters( 'sensei_course_learning_mode_theme_override_enabled', false );

	 * Check if the given course has Learning Mode enabled or not.
	 * @param int $course_id Course ID.
	 * @deprecated 4.0.2 Use Sensei_Course_Theme_Option::has_learning_mode_enabled
	 * @return bool
	public static function has_sensei_theme_enabled( $course_id ) {
		_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.0.2', 'Sensei_Course_Theme_Option::has_learning_mode_enabled' );
		return self::has_learning_mode_enabled( $course_id );

	 * Check if the given course has Learning Mode enabled or not.
	 * @param int $course_id Course ID.
	 * @return bool
	public static function has_learning_mode_enabled( $course_id ) {
		$theme              = get_post_meta( $course_id, self::THEME_POST_META_NAME, true );
		$enabled_for_course = self::SENSEI_THEME === $theme;
		$enabled_globally   = (bool) \Sensei()->settings->get( 'sensei_learning_mode_all' );

		$enabled = $enabled_for_course || $enabled_globally;

		 * Filters if a course has learning mode enabled.
		 * @since 4.0.0
		 * @hook  sensei_course_learning_mode_enabled
		 * @param {bool} $enabled    True if the learning mode is enabled for the course or globally.
		 * @param {int}  $course_id  The id of the course.
		 * @return {bool} The modified learning mode setting.
		return (bool) apply_filters( 'sensei_course_learning_mode_enabled', $enabled, $course_id );

	 * Filter to show admin bar only for editor users.
	 * @access private
	 * @param bool $show_admin_bar Whether show admin bar.
	 * @return bool Whether show admin bar.
	public function show_admin_bar_only_for_editors( $show_admin_bar ) {
		$lesson_id = Sensei_Utils::get_current_lesson();

		if ( null === $lesson_id || null === get_post_type( 'lesson' ) ) {
			return $show_admin_bar;

		$course_id = Sensei()->lesson->get_course_id( $lesson_id );

		if ( self::has_learning_mode_enabled( $course_id ) ) {
			return current_user_can( get_post_type_object( 'lesson' )->cap->edit_post, $lesson_id );

		return $show_admin_bar;

	 * Register post meta.
	 * @access private
	public function register_post_meta() {
				'show_in_rest'  => true,
				'single'        => true,
				'type'          => 'string',
				'default'       => self::WORDPRESS_THEME,
				'auth_callback' => function( $allowed, $meta_key, $post_id ) {
					return current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id );