* File containing the Sensei_Data_Port_Job class.
* @package sensei
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Superclass of data import/export jobs. It provides basic functionality like logging, maintaining state, cleanup and
* running data port tasks which are registered by subclasses.
abstract class Sensei_Data_Port_Job implements Sensei_Background_Job_Interface, JsonSerializable {
const OPTION_PREFIX = 'sensei-data-port-job-';
const SCHEDULED_ACTION_NAME = 'sensei-data-port-job';
const LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 0;
const LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 2;
* An array which holds the results of the data port job and populated in subclasses.
* @var array
protected $results;
* An array which contains job state.
* @var array
private $state;
* Unique id for the job.
* @var string
private $job_id;
* An array containing log entries (e.g. errors). It has the following format:
* @type array {
* @type string The message of the log entry.
* @type string The log level.
* @type array {
* Log entry's companion data.
* @type string type The log type (course, lesson, etc.)
* @type int line The line number which this log message refers to.
* @type string entry_id The import id of the related entry.
* @type string entry_title The title of the related entry.
* @type int post_id The post id of the related entry.
* }
* }
* @var array
private $logs;
* True if the job is started.
* @var bool
private $is_started;
* True if the job is completed.
* @var bool
private $is_completed;
* True if the internal state has changed and needs to be stored.
* @var bool
protected $has_changed;
* True if the job has been cleaned up.
* @var bool
private $is_deleted;
* Estimate of completion percentage.
* @var float
private $percentage;
* User ID.
* @var int
private $user_id;
* Files that have been saved and associated with this job.
* @var array {
* File attachment IDs indexed with the file key.
* @type int $$file_key Attachment post ID.
* }
private $files;
* Sensei_Data_Port_Job constructor. A data port instance can be created either when a new data port job is
* registered or when an existing one is restored from a JSON string.
* @param string $job_id Unique job id.
* @param string $json A json string to restore internal state from.
protected function __construct( $job_id, $json = '' ) {
$this->job_id = $job_id;
$this->has_changed = false;
$this->is_deleted = false;
if ( '' !== $json ) {
$this->restore_from_json( $json );
} else {
$this->logs = [];
$this->files = [];
$this->is_completed = false;
$this->is_started = false;
$this->has_changed = true;
$this->state = [];
$this->percentage = 0;
add_action( 'shutdown', [ $this, 'persist' ] );
* Restore a stored job. Returns null if the job does not exist.
* @param string $job_id The job id.
* @return Sensei_Data_Port_Job|null instance.
public static function get( $job_id ) {
$option_name = self::get_option_name( $job_id );
* It solves an issue when we are working with the `process` endpoint,
* along the scheduled job. Sometimes in the requests racing, a request
* starts, when the other is setting some option, like the job state.
* So it would get the old (cached) option.
* It's noticed more frequently when WooCommerce is not installed, and
* the Sensei_Scheduler is using WP Cron.
wp_cache_delete( $option_name, 'options' );
$json = get_option( $option_name, '' );
if ( empty( $json ) ) {
return null;
return new static( $job_id, $json );
* Create a new job.
* @param string $job_id The job id.
* @param int $user_id The user id.
* @return static
public static function create( $job_id, $user_id ) {
$job = new static( $job_id );
$job->set_user_id( $user_id );
return $job;
* Set up a job to start.
public function start() {
$this->has_changed = true;
$this->is_started = true;
* Get the results of the job.
* @return array The results.
public function get_results() {
return $this->results;
* Get the logs of the job.
* @return array The logs.
public function get_logs() {
function ( $first_log, $second_log ) {
// Get the type ordering and compare the two logs based on that.
$log_order = $this->get_log_type_order();
$first_type_order_exists = isset( $first_log[2]['type'] ) && in_array( $first_log[2]['type'], $log_order, true );
$second_type_order_exists = isset( $second_log[2]['type'] ) && in_array( $second_log[2]['type'], $log_order, true );
$compare_type_result = $this->compare_null_integers(
$first_type_order_exists ? array_search( $first_log[2]['type'], $log_order, true ) : null,
$second_type_order_exists ? array_search( $second_log[2]['type'], $log_order, true ) : null
// If the logs have the same type, compare them based on line number.
if ( 0 === $compare_type_result ) {
return $this->compare_null_integers(
isset( $first_log[2]['line'] ) ? $first_log[2]['line'] : null,
isset( $second_log[2]['line'] ) ? $second_log[2]['line'] : null
return $compare_type_result;
return array_map(
function ( $log ) {
return [
'message' => $log[0],
'level' => $log[1],
'data' => $log[2],
* Helper method that compares two integers which are possibly null. If an integer is null it gains precedence.
* @param int $first The first integer.
* @param int $second The second integer.
* @return int
private function compare_null_integers( $first, $second ) {
if ( $first === $second ) {
return 0;
if ( null === $first ) {
return -1;
if ( null === $second ) {
return 1;
return $first < $second ? -1 : 1;
* Delete any stored state for this job.
public function clean_up() {
foreach ( array_keys( $this->files ) as $file_key ) {
$this->delete_file( $file_key );
$this->is_deleted = true;
delete_option( self::get_option_name( $this->job_id ) );
* Get the job ID.
* @return string
public function get_job_id() {
return $this->job_id;
* Get the completion status of the job.
* @return array
public function get_status() {
$status = 'setup';
if ( $this->is_started ) {
$status = $this->is_completed ? 'completed' : 'pending';
return [
'status' => $status,
'percentage' => $this->percentage,
* Creates the tasks that consist the data port job.
* @return Sensei_Data_Port_Task_Interface[]
abstract public function get_tasks();
* Get the configuration for expected files.
* @return array {
* @type array $$component {
* @type callable $validator Callback to handle validating the file before save (optional).
* @type array $mime_types Expected mime-types for the file.
* }
* }
abstract public static function get_file_config();
* Check if a job is ready to be started.
* @return bool
abstract public function is_ready();
* Logs are order by log type first and then by line number. The method defines the ordering by type.
* @return array An array of log types which defines the log order.
abstract protected function get_log_type_order();
* Initialize and restore state of task.
* @param string $task_class Class name of task class.
* @return Sensei_Data_Port_Task_Interface
protected function initialize_task( $task_class ) {
return new $task_class( $this );
* Serialize state to JSON.
* @return array
public function jsonSerialize() {
return [
's' => $this->state,
'l' => $this->logs,
'r' => $this->results,
'c' => $this->is_completed,
'i' => $this->is_started,
'p' => $this->percentage,
'f' => $this->files,
'u' => $this->user_id,
* Restore state from JSON.
* @param string $json_string The JSON string.
private function restore_from_json( $json_string ) {
$json_arr = json_decode( $json_string, true );
if ( ! $json_arr ) {
$this->state = $json_arr['s'];
$this->logs = $json_arr['l'];
$this->results = $json_arr['r'];
$this->is_completed = $json_arr['c'];
$this->is_started = $json_arr['i'];
$this->percentage = $json_arr['p'];
$this->files = $json_arr['f'];
$this->user_id = $json_arr['u'];
* Add an entry to the logs.
* @param string $message Log message.
* @param int $level Log level (see constants).
* @param array $data Data to include with the message.
public function add_log_entry( $message, $level = self::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $data = [] ) {
$this->has_changed = true;
$this->logs[] = [
sanitize_text_field( $message ),
(int) $level,
* Persist state to the db.
* @access private
public function persist() {
if ( ! $this->is_deleted && $this->has_changed ) {
update_option( self::get_option_name( $this->job_id ), wp_json_encode( $this ), false );
$this->has_changed = false;
* Run the job.
public function run() {
if ( $this->is_complete() || ! $this->is_started() ) {
$completed_cycles = 0;
$total_cycles = 0;
$has_processed_task = false;
$has_incomplete_task = false;
foreach ( $this->get_tasks() as $task ) {
if ( ! $has_processed_task && ! $task->is_completed() ) {
$has_processed_task = true;
if ( ! $task->is_completed() ) {
$has_incomplete_task = true;
$ratio = $task->get_completion_ratio();
$completed_cycles += $ratio['completed'];
$total_cycles += $ratio['total'];
if ( ! $has_incomplete_task || 0 === $total_cycles ) {
$this->is_completed = true;
$this->percentage = 100;
* Trigger an action when a data port job is complete.
* @since 3.2.0
* @hook sensei_data_port_complete
* @param {Sensei_Data_Port_Job} $data_port_job The data port job object.
do_action( 'sensei_data_port_complete', $this );
} else {
// The calc is based in 90% as maximum when it's not completed yet.
$this->percentage = 90 * $completed_cycles / $total_cycles;
$this->has_changed = true;
* Save a file associated with this job. If this is an uploaded file, `is_uploaded_file()` check should
* occur prior to this method.
* @param string $file_key Key for the file being saved.
* @param string $tmp_file Temporary path where the file is stored.
* @param string $file_name File name.
* @return true|WP_Error
public function save_file( $file_key, $tmp_file, $file_name ) {
// Make the file path less predictable.
$stored_file_name = substr( md5( uniqid() ), 0, 8 ) . '_' . $file_name;
$uploads = wp_upload_dir( gmdate( 'Y/m' ) );
if ( ! ( $uploads && false === $uploads['error'] ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'sensei_data_port_upload_path_unavailable', $uploads['error'] );
$file_configs = static::get_file_config();
if ( ! isset( $file_configs[ $file_key ] ) ) {
return new WP_Error(
__( 'Unexpected file key used.', 'sensei-lms' )
$filename = wp_unique_filename( $uploads['path'], $stored_file_name );
$file_save_path = $uploads['path'] . "/$filename";
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- Check done with file_exists.
$move_new_file = @copy( $tmp_file, $file_save_path );
if ( 0 === strpos( $tmp_file, sys_get_temp_dir() ) ) {
wp_delete_file( $tmp_file );
if ( ! $move_new_file || ! file_exists( $file_save_path ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'sensei_data_port_file_save_failed', __( 'Error saving file.', 'sensei-lms' ) );
$file_config = $file_configs[ $file_key ];
$mime_types = isset( $file_config['mime_types'] ) ? $file_config['mime_types'] : null;
$file_save_url = $uploads['url'] . "/$filename";
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $file_save_path, $file_name, $mime_types );
// Construct the attachment arguments array.
$attachment_args = array(
'post_title' => $file_name,
'post_content' => $file_save_url,
'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
'guid' => $file_save_url,
'context' => 'sensei-import',
'post_status' => 'private',
// Save the attachment.
$id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment_args, $file_save_path );
// Make sure to clean up any previous file if it wasn't already removed.
if ( isset( $this->files[ $file_key ] ) ) {
$this->delete_file( $file_key );
$this->files[ $file_key ] = $id;
$this->has_changed = true;
return true;
* Get the files associated with this job.
* @return array
public function get_files() {
return $this->files;
* Get injectable files data.
* @return array
public function get_files_data() {
$data = [];
foreach ( $this->files as $file_key => $file_post_id ) {
$file = get_post( $file_post_id );
if ( ! $file ) {
$data[ $file_key ] = [
'name' => $file->post_title,
'url' => wp_get_attachment_url( $file_post_id ),
return $data;
* Get the file path for the stored file.
* @param string $file_key Key for the file being saved.
* @return false|string
public function get_file_path( $file_key ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->files[ $file_key ] ) ) {
return false;
return get_attached_file( $this->files[ $file_key ] );
* Delete the attachment and file for an associated file.
* @param string $file_key Key for the file being saved.
* @return bool
public function delete_file( $file_key ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->files[ $file_key ] ) ) {
return false;
$file_id = $this->files[ $file_key ];
unset( $this->files[ $file_key ] );
$this->has_changed = true;
return wp_delete_attachment( $file_id, true );
* Returns true if job is completed.
* @return bool True if job is completed.
public function is_complete() {
return $this->is_completed;
* Returns true if job is started.
* @return bool True if job is started.
public function is_started() {
return $this->is_started;
* Returns the arguments for data port jobs.
* @return array
public function get_args() {
return [ 'job_id' => $this->job_id ];
* Get the action name for the scheduled job.
* @return string
public function get_name() {
* Retrieve the option name for a job.
* @param string $job_id Unique job id.
* @return string The option name.
private static function get_option_name( $job_id ) {
return self::OPTION_PREFIX . $job_id;
* Get the state for a specific key.
* @param string $state_key The key of the state.
* @return mixed The state.
public function get_state( $state_key ) {
return isset( $this->state[ $state_key ] ) ? $this->state[ $state_key ] : [];
* Update the state of a specific key.
* @param string $state_key The key of the state.
* @param mixed $state The state.
public function set_state( $state_key, $state ) {
$this->has_changed = true;
$this->state[ $state_key ] = $state;
* Get the user ID.
* @return int
public function get_user_id() {
return $this->user_id;
* Set the user ID.
* @param int $user_id User ID.
private function set_user_id( $user_id ) {
$this->user_id = $user_id;
* Get the descriptor for a log entry.
* @param array $entry Log entry.
* @return string|null
public static function get_log_entry_descriptor( $entry ) {
$data = ! empty( $entry['data'] ) ? $entry['data'] : [];
$descriptor = [];
if ( ! empty( $data['entry_title'] ) ) {
$descriptor[] = $data['entry_title'];
if ( ! empty( $data['entry_id'] ) ) {
// translators: Placeholder is ID of entry in source file.
$descriptor[] = sprintf( __( 'ID: %s', 'sensei-lms' ), $data['entry_id'] );
if ( empty( $descriptor ) ) {
return null;
return implode( '; ', $descriptor );
* Translate error severity level from integer to string.
* @param int $level Integer level.
* @return string
public static function translate_log_severity_level( $level ) {
$map = [
self::LOG_LEVEL_INFO => 'info',
self::LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE => 'notice',
self::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR => 'error',
return isset( $map[ $level ] ) ? $map[ $level ] : 'info';