Source: templates/user/my-courses.php

 * The Template for displaying the my course page data.
 * Override this template by copying it to yourtheme/sensei/user/my-courses.php
 * @author      Automattic
 * @package     Sensei
 * @category    Templates
 * @version     1.9.0

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {

 * Executes before the Sensei my courses markup begins.
 * This hook only fires when a user is logged in.
 * If you need to add something here for when users are logged out use `sensei_login_form_before`.
 * @since 1.9.0
 * @hook sensei_my_courses_before
do_action( 'sensei_my_courses_before' );

<section id="main-course" class="course-container">

	 * Executes inside just before the Sensei my courses content.
	 * This hook only fires whe a user is logged in.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @hook sensei_my_courses_content_inside_before
	do_action( 'sensei_my_courses_content_inside_before' );

	<?php sensei_the_my_courses_content(); ?>

	 * Executes inside just after the Sensei my courses content.
	 * This hook only fires whe a user is logged in.
	 * @since 1.9.0
	 * @hook sensei_my_courses_content_inside_after
	do_action( 'sensei_my_courses_content_inside_after' );


 * Executes after the Sensei my courses template markup ends.
 * This hook only fires whe a user is logged in.
 * If you need to add something here for when users are logged out use `sensei_login_form_after`.
 * @since 1.9.0
 * @hook sensei_my_courses_after
do_action( 'sensei_my_courses_after' );